Saturday, February 18, 2023

I’m Keeping It.

 We spend so much time focused on what we’re not,

and what we can be that we lose focus on what we are.

We never get through the ideas of the past to become who we are.

(Sometimes we don’t even know who we are.)

Often we are career oriented on goals achieved.

Well, what is the measure of success?

As a pet parent,

I find myself the most successful

when I’m able to get a sick or dying animal to take medication. Interesting how that has nothing to do with my career.

There’s something about benevolence,

and they need to be good that we get lost in.

-We completely forget we do it.- (We do good.)

Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re good.

I can say for certain some of us don’t realize how good we truly are.

Talent isn’t just a scale we’ve perfected.

It’s also the blackest magic of getting a baby cottontail

to drink formula from a syringe.

There’s a reason why they called babies miracles-

because they are…

Even if they’re bunnies.

Think for a second about all the magic you can make happen every day. It may be mundane, but all the same…

That company who kept you

when your friend called and asked you to come over,

could’ve very well saved their life.

You are more than you can see.


I don’t let a blind eye turn to me.

I walk away.

There is no value in the endeavors of the opinionated man.

All they are able to do is project, deflect, and defect.

We have the power to accept that principles exist,

and they may not belong to us.

It’s an incentive to say,

“Hey, I am not astray.”

But let me tell you,

if I find a lost puppy,