Thursday, September 28, 2023

Guilty Flowers

 A story left and told, it seems,

the season has a hold of me.

God’s plan strikes me, so odd,

and how could He? Why would He

let such a gentle soul

suffer as He’s done?

Remembrance of the Guilty Flowers

The beauty of nature’s need

to grow to seed

and bloom brand new.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Conveinence Kills

 Fear is on the surface

of worry and wasted time.

The pointed finger of guilt and shame, 

remind you,

                                       you are not to blame.

Convenience Kills the need

            to know the truth.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

She’s Commiserating

 Hope is; wishing,



crossing your fingers,

 a feeling that lingers.

When let down,

     She’s Commiserating.

A spark inside- 

telling you, 

         “I’m along for the ride.”

And when you least expect

she’ll nudge her head through fear,

making faith quite clear

in the midst of the insincere.