like the back of your hand
but still be unable
to let any faith rest
in what you read.
Whether you think the world is round
or flat doesn't change it's actual shape or size,
only your perception of falling off the edge.
You know, pigs can fly right?
No, they don't have wings.
But hell,
I'd fly too if you launched me
from a catapult.
Today is all I can see,
but come tomorrow,
today will become yesterday
and so the cycle continues.
Yesterday follows today,
and today crawls into tomorrow
every day until our sudden
or perhaps gradual death. . .
And then what?
Does anybody know?
It's not a question that can be answered,
despite how strong your faith may make you.
When someone else shows their doubt
don't steep in pride and arrogance
when you know deep down
you have the same question too.