Monday, October 21, 2019

Sink Into the Silence

I'd like to drown,
left face down
floating in the deepest
waters of my life.

Flooded ears,
say goodbye to the sounds
of the shoulders
speaking in the ears.

Whether divine or monstrous,
admit to the atrocity
of my cerebral scrutiny.

Then close my eyes
for the last time
before being reborn.

Only to have the nerve
to question
a newly found silence.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

I Don't Need to Change Face

I’d rather be faceless
than faced with subjective scrutiny.

Avoid scrutinizing others
and face what I hate about myself.
Accept each visible imperfection
as it stands out, to take hold of the spirit.

Rather know;
What counts.
How to be.
Who to be.

How to see past what my eyes see.

Can't you see?

Question yourself;
What can't you see?
What's missing,
because something must be!

Kind of- out of place,
I've forever been out of my element.

Now, forever's become a place.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

I Hardly Know You

An invitation to your embrace,
your warm heart, and kind face.

I'll stow my affection, in an attempt
to give you the right impression.

The expression of marriage's unwavering blow,
must be a hard hit to take.

There's no apology to give,
as there's no brain in your head.

No rattle to shake your empty mind,
 with its, vast capacity to fill.

Yet, too naive to understand devotion,
or the meaning of eternity.

I can't calm your endless storm, or stand to listen.

You cry about your brokenness,
 another creature, I can not fix.

Then blame me for existing-
muddled a million miles from you.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

In the Midst

Righteousness encompasses
so much more
than we're able to comprehend.

Powerful words have
powerful weights.

An ode to the assembly,
we can speak in to life.

And in true fashion,
speak ourselves out of peace.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Until You Try

What a strange day,
a haze in my mind
to glaze over the eyes.

An itch inside- everywhere,
to accomplish anything.

Pumped with coffee anxiety
and the need for a nap.

Trapped within the quietness,
four walls can offer.
Hearing my wheezy breath,
feeling the hesitance of my shaky hands.

What can I say?

An effortless addiction will traumatize
what's left of the little man's brain.

Young brother- I'm telling you;
You never had the chance to be normal.
Never knew your father.

Only knew his haste,
and with haste learned his behavior.

You know;
When a family's cursed,
it's cursed for decades,
possible centuries.
But when it's blessed,
it's blessed for an eternity.

With a strange;
Rainy, hazy, foggy wish.
I pray a blessing in your midst.

You never know what
blessings your hands can build.