Thursday, September 23, 2021

Roman Empires

Perspective in a pinch,

what would you see?

The rambling girl,

or the messiah I claimed to be.

Step inside my mind,

while I step outside.

Stories about how I broke-

a divine gesture,

a sacred whisper.

No hints to this secret,

only injury to memory.

The miracle of medicine, 

the pills I swallow save 

and kill me many ways.

What can I do?

How can I cope?

Say goodbye to a clear mind,

and move on.

Monday, September 20, 2021


I want to make you understand,

to make you question,

to inspire,

to be...

A light in the dark,

a spark,

the illuminated lightbulb above your head.

An idea,

a new beginning,



a new way of thinking.


a walk in the park,

a fresh start.

A clean slate,

a new state of mind,

a sight to the blind,

a sound to the deaf.

If only I could be.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Stage Three, Wondering What's To Come?

Frequently I see my life

flicker before my eyes.

I can't seem to find a phase,

a place in the past to call a stage.

I realize, today and yesterday

are the only two stages I've been through in life.

The moment, the present, and the past,

have been both harsh and helpful.

How can I? How could I make myself more clear?

I'm swimming, barely breathing, coming up for air.

I take it in, let it go, take it in, let go of the past,

and at times- everyone in it.

Dead or alive,

I honor the memory of melancholy or peace.

It seems I'm secretly sad

-thinking of what I miss-

forever mourning memories,

acceptable or atrocious.

Trapped in the moment

unable to travel back through time,

or forward to the future.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

I Don't Owe The World A Thing

 Hands deep into the fabric of my mindset,

I pick up two pieces and feed them through. 

I sat in front of my machine,

expecting myself to improve the world.

Focused on nothing other than

the threads of time connecting us. 

What time is it?

What day is it?

I don't even know.

Threads, torn.

I keep tossing scraps to the side

and sewing my spirit into everything. 

Slow, I start to unravel. 

My well-being becomes unbound 

scraps of fabric spread across the floor. 


-anything the world needs-

I have it.