Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Until You Try

What a strange day,
a haze in my mind
to glaze over the eyes.

An itch inside- everywhere,
to accomplish anything.

Pumped with coffee anxiety
and the need for a nap.

Trapped within the quietness,
four walls can offer.
Hearing my wheezy breath,
feeling the hesitance of my shaky hands.

What can I say?

An effortless addiction will traumatize
what's left of the little man's brain.

Young brother- I'm telling you;
You never had the chance to be normal.
Never knew your father.

Only knew his haste,
and with haste learned his behavior.

You know;
When a family's cursed,
it's cursed for decades,
possible centuries.
But when it's blessed,
it's blessed for an eternity.

With a strange;
Rainy, hazy, foggy wish.
I pray a blessing in your midst.

You never know what
blessings your hands can build.