being over medicated,
abilities underrated.
They're everywhere!
Each hour they lie awake;
a rattle, thoughts of what to do in head.
"I could be more productive at night,
but wide-eyed, I lie awake in bed."
You imagine the banters had today,
how you plan to discuss them tomorrow.
Chatting yourself into the thoughts of disarray.
See them tumble around the brain like laundry.
But one overload and suds spill to the floor.
You wonder how clean, clean can be...
Or when does clean become dirty?
Will your house fill with suds to mop?
Sounds like a fun endeavor, no doubt,
to the most chaotic living creature.
And a word to the wisest souls,
we live to be the creature chaos makes.
There's one detail you should know...
Co-operation acts as the burly key
to tame insomnia's scattered blow.
But hey, what do I know?