Tuesday, August 8, 2023

God Created The Flies

 I’m struggling to see

that the universe

is much bigger than me. 

What puzzles me and I

-is myself.

Thoughts of the creator,

who was never created,

but rather existed existentially.

Beyond our beliefs,

lies a thing we could

never understand-

The reach of God’s hand,

could we all be here standing

below his fingertips?

Who knows?

My understanding is earthly,

humanitarian as I try to imagine

what that hand looks like.

Or is it a hand at all?

Is it just a wafting presence,

a glow around us?

God Created The Flies,

and the worm that ate

at Apathetic Happiness.

He was a second of shade,

which withered into Death Wishes.

So be still the anger

of misunderstandings,

and spare this great city

from spiritual darkness.