Friday, May 12, 2023

Insignificant Altercations.

 Internal screams,

reoccurring dreams.

Blank slates,

behavior skates

across thin ice, 

breaks cold water

into drowning lungs.

Overbearing hugs ring in the throat.

Put on a coat,

head for the door,

can’t take anymore.

Broken eggshell hell

breaks the skin of sensitive feet.

Between the toes,

my mind goes

into the damp space

looking for some grace. 

Internal cries for bright blue skies

and yolks so light

make me understand my own plight.

Frustration sees mossy green trees,

and envy is angers’ trap… 


Why you are so obsessive,

incomprehensive, unbelievably apprehensive

about Insignificant Altercations?