Tuesday, April 30, 2019

What About We? What About You?

I am not insightful
I am spiteful
Trying to make a point
A lesson for myself to learn

I am not who you think I am
I am far from the splendid
I am spent,
loose change lying on the floor
I am selfish
Me me me

At least I admit it
Me does my best
I’ve done better with
Good better best,
But who’s good enough
 to be their very best?

Not I,
or is it me?

Guess you’ve got to be
better than the rest.

I never said I knew,
I just spouted nonsense
 you’d never understand.

Then I played by hand,
not ear,
I didn’t listen,
do you understand?

It was hard to hear
what you were saying,
so I stood and stared.

Instead of offering you advice
I offered you my hand.

How can I help?
Can I state the question clearly?
How can I do less harm, more good?

Stand back, space is required..
Think about this one for a little while.


You tried to claim
              to explain your demons
              to me,

but all I saw was heaven in
                              your eyes.

                Despite your disposition-
           I see past a mask of red and blue
           I see yellow for
                              your fears…

Please know it’s okay
              to feel black inside
              to bring out the blue
              to let the red rest for once.

           Know that I’m not going anywhere.
                            I’m strung to you
with dirty white lace
       and aged like an antique.

                           I’m weathered a bit
              I can take it

or spare some tears.

Because it Comes at a Cost

Under wing,
you've hung up,
 my desperate need to spread,
to take flight.

Potential can't propel me
across nations
when the stormy weathers show.

A single storm to shake your shelter:
Frozen in a wintry disease,
left to thaw in a cool spring breeze.

Summer reminded me when flight,
 and freedom had meaning to me.

My ailments- empty.

A deep breath,
a strong, winded lung,
and in creep their memory.

Simple freedom:
A chance to allow yourself life.
To be righteous.
To learn from another, as opposed to self.
An encompassing cliche.

The complexities of being free:
A right to rule.
The privilege to obey.
A vague perception of justice.
The uncertainty of fairness.

I'll leave my weighted wings behind;
walk not fly, sail not soar-
if it's what freedom deems necessary.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

One Thrives, Another Dies

A blown expense, cost you, my support.
My ideas mismatch the mutual.

I'm told to use my voice,
They say!

Then refuse to listen,
when I say what they'd rather not hear.

Reminding me, my voice,
couldn't be more useless.

Wholeness, health, restoration,
other lies they'll feed you.

They cause us to ignore
vital information.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Maze My Mind Has Become

A list of what-if's fill my mind.

I pack the bags under my eyes
with exhaustion.

Walking with fright,
unsure if I'm making any sense. 

You're the road I take
to unknown places.

The forgotten dark roads left behind
with pieces of myself intertwined.

You're a soul-crushing cackle,
bouncing around me at night.

Sleep, or my mind,
what do I call on tonight?

I spoke to myself,
to calm the craziness,
but there's nothing I could do.

The only way out is through.