Thursday, March 1, 2018

It's a Matter of Opinion

How many words
does the average person
speak in their lifetime?

The suggestion is near
nine hundred million.

If you slight your speech,
do you find the time to think?

Or is that simple
black space inside?

Perhaps no thought to rattle
that brain you've got...
I guess I'll give up ever knowing.

I wonder if those
who limit their voice
live happier lives.

Speak less to listen more,
and receive better
life lessons as a result.

The reason I over-speak?

The agonizing endless need
to explain myself
for no reason at all.
The anxiety that comes
with the thought behind it.
The need to clear the air.
The attempt at beating meaning
into someone's existence.

The madness
known as my mind
will take control
and leave me;
Whispering to myself.
Pacing in circles, with the most
useless anxiety you could imagine.

So I stop, take a breath,
take a break, and ask myself
is it even worth it?