Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Drat Hit The Rabbit

Chasing the rabbit's wish,

down each hole he dug.

Dead-end dreamers

chasing rabbit's wishes

find themselves in the dark.

A severed foot is what's found,

a symbol of good luck

at the cost of the rabbit's life.

It was unknown, how,

the rabbit is luckier alive,

in one piece.

Soul and spirit, divine-

is the rabbit's living gift.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

It's Not Coming Back

 Pain, a creature,

creeping in and out of our bodies.

He creeps into our mental space,

leaving blanks to fill.

A creature like amnesia

erases any memory of pain.

I can not imagine why.

Can not imagine

such a creature's embrace,

but he's had his hold on me.

Sucked me in to this world of skepticism,

where nothing is real,

question everything. Reality is gone.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Sleep On It

Whispers crackle

in the back of my mind

like a withering candle,

a wick burning to

it’s impending end.

A pillow of thoughts

to sink my head into

while I sort through

withering whispers.

A blanket of questions in mind,

they drape over me,

holding me down.

The questions no one can answer,

stay unknown as I

search my mind for a solution.

Blow out your crackling candle,

and pray for a sound pillow tonight.

There's only one way

to find your answers.