Monday, August 5, 2019

Anti-War Path

You have the choice to be benevolent
in any way you wish.

The power to build character;

To lift yourself out
of the pit of an invented misery.

Have a heart,
feed the hungry.

To pick up plastic
drifting to ocean shores.

Clothe children
in chilling winter months.

Despite everything or everyone-
no one has the power to stop you!

Why would they?

Friday, August 2, 2019

A Question For the Ages

Writers need be
the creators of new cliche's.

Our common grounds,
we've heard each one bathe in cynicism.

They're a subtle melody
of melancholy in the ear.

Society fails to change.

Dead philosophers, scholars,
and poets who convey truth.
They conveyed it best.
a million years behind,
hints to heart,
truth mattered.

To each of them a purpose,
and what of us?

Suffering from insomnia:

How're we to be...
A gleam of light-
from 3 A.M. darkness?