Think of space.
The blank ones waiting to fill this page.
Mystery- what’s going to write itself?
The misery of living what’s placed
in the path that leads to these words.
A mix of misery with a silver lining.
A knack for knowing the loyalty
of those who surround you.
Naivety, a blind love for those
who disappoint you again and again.
The scenery sucks you in for a minute,
spits you out into a crowded city full
of scary strangers who surprise you.
Kindness in calamity, chaotic street traffic
becomes music to your ears.
Breathe, fill your lungs with the smoggy air,
be ready to get sucked in again.
It’s lonely in the clean scenic air.
No voice to listen but the sound
of your own thought.
What do you do if you’re ready
to drown that out too?
Take a walk, bask in what's to be.
One day you’ll get tired of even yourself.
Are you too tired to earn a new view of you?
Too old to learn it isn't overdue?
Start again with a smile on your face,
drop the old right in the grave again.
Accept that the world
won’t accept you.